A Mini-DTS
- Incorporates instruction that is highly interactive and makes use of story-telling, a primary way of learning for Native people. Instructors and advisors will if possible be of Native origin or otherwise be familiar with Native American culture.
- Will provide ministry opportunities which instill purpose and destiny to Native people to counteract the pervasive hopelessness and despair on many reservations, by providing them with an opportunity to contribute their unique gifts and talents to help fulfill the Great Commission.
- Is structured in such a way, that all teachings of a regular Discipleship-Training-School will be presented over the period of six Mini DTS’s. This will allow anyone who has participated in six subsequent Mini-DTS’s to complete the equivalent of a full DTS, which enables those who completed these courses to apply for staff positions with YWAM anywhere in the world and to pursue their education with the University of the Nations (UofN)
- Native American cultural expressions of the Gospel and Worship, such as style of music, art and dance are strongly encouraged, the only determining factor being true to biblical principles.
For further information, how your church can host a Mini-DTS: Hosting a Mini-DTS