- Indianische Mini-Jüngerschaftsschulen
Wir möchten Menschen indianischer Abstammung ermutigen und unterstützen Gott kennenzulernen
- Broken Walls
“Breaking Walls Of Separation” - First Nations Monday
We are working to support, encourage and unite those involved in Native Ministry through a multifaceted prayer mobilization effort. - Indian Life Magazine
We publish and distribute culturally and spiritually sensitive literature for Native North Americans - North America Indigenous Ministries
Serving with First Nations to reach All Nations - On Eagles Wings
“Reaching Native Youth” - Wiconi International
…”our hope is to inspire in people a vision that the possibility exists to experience genuine hope and confidence for a better life in our broken world. As we seek to live and walk among the people “in a good way” by following the ways of Jesus– affirm
- Calling All Warriors
Calling Indigenous Peoples to the their Destiny - World Christian News & Books
Christians Seeking Understanding by Reading Widely–Over 2,200 discounted titles to nourish WorldChristian minds - YWAM International
Youth With A Mission’s International website - YWAM Montana Flathead Reservation
- A family of people from different tribes, nations, cultures & languages – coming together for the purpose of knowing God and making Him known.
- YWAM Tribal Winds
Our purpose is “To help Native peoples know and make known YAH, our Creator, through Jesus His Son.”