Rod White Eagle Wilson, our National Coordinator for all Youth With A Mission bases in North America went to be with Jesus on Resurrection Day, April 12, 2009 after a courageous battle resulting from the effects of bleeding on the brain.
A memorial service for Rod was held at YWAM’s North American Leadership Conference (NALC 2009) in Estes Park, Colorado. It was a moving evening, led by one of Rod’s friends and ministry associates, Richard Twiss, Lakota, and attended by many other friends.
We want to thank you again for standing in prayer with Rod, his dear wife Alexis and their children and grandchildren!
Grace, love and peace with GOD 1st!!
Take courage from YAHWEH!
HE has reached 10,000’s thru prayer, blog and ROD Wilson’s steadfast family and supporters. He is with the risen LORD….
We may feel HIS touch but only GOD (and Rod) knows the extent of the world wide healing realized through these months….Praise GOD!
Beloved saints thank-you…be encouraged!
Grace, peace and love!!
Ricardo (Mission Valley Christian Athlete’s)