In this powerful video, Tom Bee performs “Sacred Warrior”, a song written by Terry Wildman of Rain Ministries on location at Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee, South Dakota.
It calls all warriors to stand firm, to stand strong, by putting on the armor of light to stand against the night! By following the most “Sacred Warrior” of all, the One who is called the “Word of God”, whose vest is dipped in blood and whose eyes are blazing fire and who will go before them in war, the warriors will take their stand and never be left on their own.
(Ephesians 6:10-17; Revelation 19:11-15; Words & Music: Terry M. Wildman, (c) 2002 Firedrum Music)
You can purchase their music online at
Love that song! About to teach it to a few youth at an Awana group.
Thanks Jan, the song makes that great connection for Native people to Creator’s Son Jesus, who is the Warrior of all Warriors.