“Do you ever have need for adult volunteers” the short message sent via our website asked!
Responding to the request, we listed a few areas where our ministry can make use of volunteer workers. We also asked about particular our responders areas of interest . While exchanging emails, we found out that Marc is a professional photographer and his wife Jill a nurse. This gave rise to a few more ideas how they could contribute and led to their first visit in Kamiah during the annual Looking Glass Pow-Wow. Marc began to take pictures, listened to suggestions and thought deeper about what could be done.
Several weeks later he contacted us again, to see if he could come with all his equipment and cameras to do a professional photo shoot for any Nez Perce Tribal members who might be interested. We began contacting the local tribal Community Center and they graciously entered into partnership with us to provide the place for shooting the pictures and helping promote the event. Emails were sent, calls where made, facebook announcements posted, and on Nov. 5 and 6, Marc and Jill took 374 different images of a a number of Nez Perce people, some dressed casually, some in regalia. One re-known Choctaw artist, Roger Amerman, had his beadwork photographed, which had just recently been returned to him from the Smithsonian
As part of Marc’s service, he offered a free print to each person or family and all his images will be made available to individual participants on a CD, making it possible for them to have them printed for Christmas cards, sent in emails or posted on facebook and webpages by their owners, without the expenses and restrictions of a regular commercial shoot.
All in all a great blessing to all participants, who expressed their gratefulness to Marc at the photo shoot.
Take a look at Marc’s great work and “like” his facebook page. (Check back soon for a link to some of the images taken here)
We hope Marc and Jill’s generous example encourages or reminds you of something you can contribute to make a real difference in the lives of people. What could you contribute? Consider your gifts, interests, talents, or simply the willingness to give some of your time or resources. Whether it is through our ministry or the many other possible avenues of involvement, you can make a difference with what you have been given for others!
If you have a question, how you can possibly assist our local work, feel free to contact us with your suggestions. There are things that can be done even without being physically present at our location.
(Photograph, Courtesy of Marc Walters Photography)