Stories of two Native American Men
He’ll be dead by Christmas, unless…
The following are recollections, excerpts of letters and conversations with Newton Bohanan, Nez Perce, 32. Thank you, Newt for allowing us to tell your story. May it encourage many! Since his dramatic life and death experience Newton has already been a huge blessing to many by his enthusiasm and love for God. Volkhard Graf
I had heard some stories about him, but never met him in person. The descriptions I’d heard seemed to fit the stereotypical picture of a Native American male. He was known as a person who you’d have to be lucky to meet in a sober condition.
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What is a Mini-Discipleship-Training-School (DTS)?
A Mini-DTS consists of a 4 week course of interactive lectures, study, small groups and outreach, designed to lay a firm foundation in the students life for a fulfilling and fruitful Christian walk and to help prepare them to become involved in Christian leadership and worldwide missions. It would consist of:

A culturally sensitive presentation of YWAM values and Discipleship Training School (DTS) teachings, with lecture phase and outreach lasting no longer than 4 weeks for each Mini-DTS. Subjects focused on are:
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The Pursuit of Happiness
The desire to be truly happy is most likely the deepest wish of every human being. When one asks how to achieve that state of happiness opposing ideas and suggestions are given.
Some think happiness is found by throwing off all restraints, by letting nobody boss them around. “No one is telling me what to do”! “No other person, organization or even the government has any right to interfere with my pursuit of happiness”, they may announce.
Others may look for happiness by accumulating “toys”. “If I just could have that car, boat, airplane… I know I would be the happiest person”.
Maybe it is a trim, healthy figure or fashionable clothes that would make you truly happy.
Just a brief look around will reveal whether these methods truly bring happiness. There are many people who seem to have it all, health, houses, and more money than they can ever spend – but are they happy? Sometimes it seems, that the more a person owns the unhappier he or she becomes. Ask the man who was stranded on an island all by himself, with everything his heart could desire and no laws and regulations but his own, whether he was happy. At best, his happiness lasted a short while.
Then there are those who do not concentrate on how they can make themselves happy but instead focus on the needs of others. Curiously enough, they have found true happiness! If you don’t believe me, ask someone like Mother Teresa!
One of my personal champions, Jim Elliott, a missionary to Native People in the jungles of South America penned these words:
“He is no fool, who gives what he can not keep, to gain what he can not loose”! Jim gave up a promising career to bring the life-giving Gospel of Jesus to a remote tribe. While pursuing his calling, he and four other sharp, promising young men literally “gave” their lives. Today, the men who killed Jim and his co-workers have come to know Jesus Christ and lead the Christian Church among their people!
By the way, for a manual of principles leading to true happiness read and meditate on Matthew 5:1-12.
© 1996 Volkhard Graf, YWAM Native Ministries
(Permission to reproduce this material is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and will be distributed for the sole purpose of expanding the Gospel.)
Jesus, The Only Way?

Jesus The Only Way?
“How incredibly arrogant of you Christians to say that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ!”
This objection is raised most often against Jesus’ statement: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father (God) except through me” (John 14:6) Critics have called it: “Absurd religious chauvinism”, “spiritual dictatorship”, and “an insufferable presumption of the Bible”. In our current culture of relativism, where no fact is considered universally true at all times, for all people and in all cultures, the exclusivity claim of Jesus is among the biggest obstacles to spiritual seekers.
How To Get To Rome!
Anyone who has ever tried to get to a destination and met with construction delays, accidents or obstacles of different kinds knows the frustration. What a waste of time to be stuck in a traffic jam.
In Acts 23:11 Paul received a specific word of direction from God while he was in Jerusalem. The Lord told him: “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Now, what do you think how long it took for Paul to get to Rome?
To make a conservative estimate, considering the transportation available at Paul’s time, he should have gotten there in no more than 2-3 months-but it took him 5 years.
Here is what happened: Immediately following his call from God, Paul’s enemies formed a conspiracy to kill him. His life was in real danger. Paul could have asked: “How come God, you let this happen if you asked me to go to Rome and to serve you there”? First, Paul was put in prison for his own protection but then he was “forgotten” there for two years. When he finally got moving in the direction of Rome, the ship he was on encountered a terrific storm. They shipwrecked off the island of Malta but made it all safely to land. As Paul is warming up at a fire, a poisonous snake bites him. Everyone there expects him to drop dead any minute-but Paul miraculously lives, unaffected by the bite.
Finally after 5 years he arrives in Rome, yet not as a free man. He is under house arrest, with a guard watching him-but he has freedom to share and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ.
What can we learn from Paul’s situation?
- The way to get to our destination may be quite different from what we envisioned it to be. God’s Word is filled with examples of people who were seemingly sidetracked from their order, yet they kept faith that it would happen according to what God had said. Noah for instance built on a huge boat in the middle of dry land for 120 years, while his neighbors laughed him out of town. Moses was called to deliver God’s people out of slavery but he was placed at the backside of the desert for 40 years until he was ready. Joseph had a dream as a boy that he would keep his people from certain starvation, but he was almost killed by his own brothers, sold as a slave, put in prison being completely innocent… until the word of the Lord had tested him-and it came to pass.
- Delays are never a hindrance to God’s purpose in our life.
- Delays are not denials (God hasn’t taken back his dream/vision for you).
- Delays happen, so the Lord can build patience in our lives.
- God is more concerned in building our character than in getting us to a destination!
- Nothing done in the will of God is wasted.
So, no matter what happens, hold on to God’s call, vision and direction when delays, trials and difficulties come and keep on hoping, even when all hope seems to be gone. In all the above stories, there were considerable amounts of delays and troubles-but in all cases God’s will was done. It will be in yours if you trust him and hold on!
© 1999 Volkhard Graf, YWAM Native Ministries
(Permission to reproduce this material is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and will be distributed for the sole purpose of expanding the Gospel.)
Happy New Year!
The end of one year and the beginning of another is usually cause for reflection, but the happenings of the September 11, 2001 make these considerations take on a new dimension. The sense of security that was enjoyed before the ominous date has been replaced by one of vulnerability, insecurity and fear.
Leaders of this country have recognized this fact and called upon everyone to not let fear win, because this would mean that those who attacked this country and its people have won. Some suggested solutions to deal with that fear were, to continue flying in airplanes, travel to see relatives and friends, go about life as normal as possible and to spend money as a patriotic exercise to support the US economy.
Although these are practical suggestions with some merit, they fail to deal with the root of the problem! Just to wear a T-shirt or hat with the embroidered inscription “No Fear” is not an indication of the fact that the person wearing these items really is without fear. The famous quote of former President F.D. Roosevelt: “Fear nothing but fear itself”, is another example of a notable saying which does not give a clue how not to fear when you do.
As a follower of the Jesus Way, I am grateful that the “manual” written and delivered to me by my Creator and Redeemer is not short on real advice how to deal with my fears. First of all it shows that I’m not the only one who is or ever was afraid and that I don’t have to be ashamed of this fact. Then there is the wonderful part that helps me to practically deal with my fear. Listen to this instruction:
“Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (TLB)
Other translations express it this way: Cast all your anxieties upon him (God), because he cares for you. To experience this truth, we have to trust the One who made this statement and let go of, literally throw down our worries and fears at His feet. We have to admit, we can’t rid ourselves of our fears, that we need His help and that we trust Him to really take care of us.
Now, you may question whether it is that easy, whether you can take this great promise literally. Well, I offer you to read for yourself about the many people in God’s Word who were afraid, but then trusted God and were delivered of their fears.
In case you are wondering, I’m writing as one who has experienced first hand the debilitating and potentially paralyzing effects of fear and the glorious simplicity of God’s deliverance when I followed His advice.
How we handle and let God rid us of our fears will determine to a great deal the quality of our life. I want to invite you to trust God. Throw your anxieties at his feet and let him free you from your fear so the years before you can truly be happy ones.
© 2002 Volkhard Graf, YWAM Native Ministries
(Permission to reproduce this material is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and will be distributed for the sole purpose of expanding the Gospel.)
God’s “To-Do” List
One practical way of helping us remember things that need to be done is to simply write them down as a list. Be it grocery items that need to be bought or a reminder to turn off the coffee maker before leaving the house, a “To Do” List can prove to be invaluable. Kids, Homemakers, and Managers use them everyday!
Personally, I find it most amazing of God our Creator and Redeemer to be so practical and to provide us with “To Do” Lists, enabling us, His people to remember what is important and required of us. How about this one, straight from God’s Word: (Check it out in Romans 12:9-21*)
1. Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it.
2. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good.
3. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.
4. Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant.
5. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.
6. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.
7. Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath.
8. Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy; share tears when they’re down.
9. Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up.
10. Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.
11. Don’t hit back; discover beauty in everyone. If you’ve got it in you, get along with everybody.
12. Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. (“I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.”)
13. If you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. (Your generosity will surprise him with goodness.)
14. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.
To live by God’s “To Do” List will not only give us a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, it is also proof that we truly love God! Jesus said: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”!
*)Peterson, Eugene. The Message. Colorado Springs, CO: Navpress, 1993
© 1996 Volkhard Graf, YWAM Native Ministries
(Permission to reproduce this material is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and will be distributed for the sole purpose of expanding the Gospel.)
Follow in His Steps
“If you go through the high grass where the elephant has already gone through, you don’t get soaked with the dew”. (A proverb from Ghana, Africa)
This proverb traditionally meant that young men should follow the ways of the elders rather than run off to the right or left, exploring new and untried ways. While this is an important lesson, Rev. Joshua Kudadjie, put a Christian spin on the proverb:
Christ is our “elephant.” He is bigger than we are, stronger than we are, He was here before we were, He went through more than we have to go through and He took on Himself all the bad things that should have fallen on us. I would like to add that He cleared the path for us to come into relationship with God the Father, after our sin separated us from him through his sacrifice on the cross.
It not only makes good sense to follow Jesus Christ, it is clear that the path he made is the only one leading to the Father. Jesus himself states: “I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me”. (John 14:6) Since He cleared the way for us, why should we go through life on any other path than following in His steps?
Interestingly enough, many still think, we need to make our own path to God, through good works or other achievements. We follow the old but unbiblical adage: “God helps those who help themselves”. The Good News about Jesus is that he came to save, set free, heal and help those who could not help themselves.
Often it’s either pride or unbelief that holds us back from simply accepting what Jesus has done for us.
Once we have followed Jesus to the Cross, where he died for us, and experienced the new Life he gives, we follow Him, doing good works, because we have been saved, not to be saved! (See Ephesians 2:10)
Let us follow the Leader, Jesus, who made the path for us!
© 1998 Volkhard Graf, YWAM Native Ministries
(Permission to reproduce this material is automatically granted on the condition it will be used for non-commercial purposes, will not be sold, and will be distributed for the sole purpose of expanding the Gospel.)