A Mini-DTS consists of a 4 week course of interactive lectures, study, small groups and outreach, designed to lay a firm foundation in the students life for a fulfilling and fruitful Christian walk and to help prepare them to become involved in Christian leadership and worldwide missions. It would consist of:

A culturally sensitive presentation of YWAM values and Discipleship Training School (DTS) teachings, with lecture phase and outreach lasting no longer than 4 weeks for each Mini-DTS. Subjects focused on are:
- The Character & knowledge of God
- Hearing the voice of God
- Evangelism & Missions
- Prayer & Intercession
- Principles for healthy relationships
- Principles of cultural redemption
- Identity in Christ & Spiritual Warfare
- How to read, study & apply the Bible
- Biblical unity and vision
The Native Mini-DTS will:
- incorporate Instruction that is highly interactive and makes use of story-telling, one primary way of learning for Native people
- provide ministry opportunities that instill purpose and destiny to Native American people to counteract the pervasive hopelessness and despair on many Reservations, by providing them with an opportunity to contribute their unique gifts and talents to help fulfill the Great Commission.
- The Native Mini-DTS’s are structured in such a way, that all teachings of a regular DTS will be presented over the period of 6 Mini-DTS’s.
- It allows the participation of Native Americans in a DTS-type program, who find it difficult to leave home and family for an extended time.
- It makes it easier for a whole family to participate, as costs are kept to a minimum
- Throughout the Mini-DTS’s we desire to encourage authentic Native American cultural expressions of the Gospel and Worship
- Instructors and advisors of the Mini-DTS’s will if possible be of Native origin or otherwise familiar with Native American culture and background
- The work would be highly supportive of already established indigenous churches and ministries in a variety of Native communities, as it will likely occur at local churches
- Spiritual growth and preparation to become representatives of Christ in all of lives arenas for the participants
- The raised up leaders would provide positive role models for their Native communities to be emulated.
We are trying to keep the costs for each student as low as possible in order to encourage many to participate, however, there are expenses to provide accommodation, meals, lecture facilities, utilities and travel expenses for staff and guest lecturers. The student’s tuition includes books, meals and accommodation for the duration of the Mini-DTS. Generally, the cost is $ 300 per person. There also is a $ 20 per single or $ 30 per couple/family nonrefundable registration fee in addition.
It is our desire to not turn away any student for lack of finances. Perhaps your church, community, tribe or individuals would consider helping raise scholarship money for those wanting to attend but facing a challenge to meet the financial obligations.
How can we arrange for a Native Mini-DTS at our location?
Here are some general guidelines to follow when you consider establishing a Mini-DTS at your location. Each setting, whether on a reservation or in an urban setting will be unique, and we are flexible in negotiating the details for each situation. As we partner with you, we ask that the local church ministry consider providing the following facilities:
- Class-room/hall
- Kitchen/Dining area
- Accommodations
- If possible local transportation for students
- It is ideal if someone from the local community is in charge of the menu planning, food purchasing and meal preparation.
We will provide staff and speakers. Brochures or flyers that can be distributed in your area to advertise the upcoming Mini-DTS will also provided. You may distribute and receive applications and fees or elect to have students send them directly to us.
The greatest potential for discipleship is realized when there is a community setting. For example, students and staff spend much time together during the Mini-DTS, working and learning side by side. A typical daily schedule looks as follows:
7:30 A.M. | 9:00 | 10:00 | 12:30 | 2-4 P.M. | 5:30 | 7-9 | Saturday | Sunday |
Breakfast | Worship/Prayer | Interactive Lecture | Lunch | Work/Small Group | Dinner | Evening Lecture | Free Time | Church |
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